Welcome Online Groups to District 25
We are serving online groups in Area 72, Western Washington. We welcome any online group wanting to participate in the general service structure. If your online group is interested in joining the district, 1) complete the Area 72 Group information Online Form, 2) Email our District Registrar with your group, contact and meeting information to get your meetings posted on our website, and 3) join us for roll call at the District meeting every third Saturday at 3:00 pm PDT to learn from your fellow GSRs and get involved in general service.
Elections were held and here are your current Officers:
DCM - Jo G.
Alt DCM - Thom R.
Treasurer - Tom C.
Alt Treasurer - Shoshana
Secretary - Trish
Alt Secretary/Registrar - Dick V.
Committee Chairs:
Accessability - AArin
Archives -David
Bridging the Gap - Danielle C.
Corrections - Jill L.
Finance- Shoshana
Literature/ Grapevine - Barbara G.
Public Information-
Registrar- Dick V.
3rd Legacy - Patty S.
Treatment -
Web - Sherri H.
Young Peoples -
If you would like one of the open positions, please show up at the next district meeting and put yourself up for the position.
GSR Quick Links
District 25 Meeting
3rd Sat., 2/15/2025 @ 3 PM PT
ID: 944 8514 8041
PC: 198741
New to AA?
Current Flyers
"Modem-to-modem or face-to-face, A.A.’s speak the language of the heart in all its power and simplicity." 1
If your group is celebrating an anniversary, or you have an announcement or correction, send an email to dist25web@area72aa.org.
1 Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition, pg. xxiv, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.